Fair Shared Revenue Campaign

Following the backlash from the MPA, and Wisconsin state GOP, the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression has deccided to launch our Fair Shared Revenue Campaign.
This campaign is being led by the Milwaukee Alliance as a response to the Wisconsin GOP announcing their shared revenue bill, LRB-2983: Local Government Funding. In this bill, Representatives Tony Kurtz and Jessie Rodriguez and Senator Mary Felzkowski propose increases to the Wisconsin shared revenue for the City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County if they do the following:
- Eliminate the policy creation power from the FPC and require representatives from the fire and police departments to serve in the FPC
- Reinstate police officers in Milwaukee Public Schools
- Hire more police officers
- Dedicate a portion of the sales tax to cover the police pension
This is evidently an attack on the City and County. Milwaukee already receives a fraction of what it should from the state revenue. Additionally, we can see that the Wisconsin GOP is creating this bill as a reaction to our work on creating Standard Operating Procedure 575 with the Fire and Police Commission. In this Fair Shared Revenue Campaign, the Milwaukee Alliance demands the following:
- Fair Shared Revenue with no strings attached
- Hands off the FPC
- No police in our schools
- Public Town Hall with Mayor Johnson and County Executive Crowley - No Backroom Deals!